The cork, Mediterranean forest ecosystem, is a brake for a barrier against desertification and climate change. The cork serve as protection against erosion and recharge of aquifers. But besides producing oxygen, a characteristic common to all trees, cork has a unique cellular structure and very particular, capable of retaining carbon dioxide, the main responsible for global warming.
La industria corchera es una actividad ecológica.
The cork industry is an ecological activity.
Cork is a renewable natural material. Its removal does not cause any negative impact. Nor does it require the felling of the tree, the cork have the ability to regenerate the cork bark that are removed and extraction produces no contamination and is by manual means. Besides CO2 uptake of the cork is multiplied by 3 to 5 times after extraction of the cork, as this increases their biological activity ..
Consumo inteligente, consumo responsable.
Consumption intelligent, responsible consumption.
Removing the cork is now the only activity that ensures the continuity of our forests of cork and allows safeguard its incredible natural wealth. Therefore, the consumption of cork - stoppers for wine, floor, insulation, etc.. - Is an act of responsibility and commitment to the health of our planet.
The ecological value of the cork has been recognized by international organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund WWF / Adena.